Egg donation

Assisted reproduction through egg donation

At the Grimalt Institute, egg donation is an advanced assisted reproduction option that we offer for couples who face significant difficulties in conceiving due to problems with egg quality or repeated failures in previous IVF treatments. This technique involves the use of donated eggs from young, healthy women, carefully selected using rigorous medical and genetic criteria.

Egg donation process

Our egg donation process begins with a thorough evaluation of the recipient to ensure suitability for the treatment. We then select donors based on strict criteria of health, age and genetic compatibility with the recipient. Once the appropriate donor has been selected, the eggs are fertilised in the laboratory using In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), using advanced techniques such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) if necessary.

Success rates

In cases of egg donation, according to the 2020 SEF registry, the pregnancy rates per transfer would be 57%.

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