Ovarian reserve analysis

Analysis and monitoring of ovarian reserve

At the Grimalt Institute, we carry out a comprehensive ovarian reserve assessment process using advanced technology and precise methods. These analyses are essential to provide detailed information on the quantity and quality of the eggs available in the patient, which is crucial for determining the most effective treatment options and for long-term fertility planning.

Keys to the procedure

Measurement of reproductive hormones

We perform detailed analyses of hormones such as FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), estradiol and AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone). These hormones provide precise indicators of ovarian reserve and ovarian function.

Transvaginal ultrasound

We use high-resolution ultrasound to examine the ovaries and count the antral follicles, which are a direct measure of ovarian reserve. This technique allows a detailed visual assessment of the status of the ovaries and the ovarian response to hormonal stimulation.

Analysis of Antral Follicle Count (AFC)

Antral follicle counting provides information on the number of developing follicles in the ovaries, which is crucial for predicting ovarian response during fertility treatments.

Ovarian Age Estimation

Based on the results of ovarian reserve testing, we can estimate the patient's "ovarian age," which may differ from her chronological age and affect the recommended treatment options.

Personalized Advice

After assessing the patient's ovarian reserve, our specialized medical team offers personalized advice on the available fertility options.

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