Freezing eggs or embryos (fertility planning)

Fertility planning by freezing eggs or embryos

At the Grimalt Institute, we offer egg or embryo freezing as an effective tool for fertility planning. This process allows women to preserve their fertility for the future, providing flexibility and security in postponed childbearing or in situations where fertility may be compromised.

Egg freezing

Egg freezing is ideal for young, healthy women who wish to postpone childbearing or who are facing medical treatments that may affect their fertility. In this procedure, eggs are extracted, frozen and stored in our laboratory using advanced technology.

When the patient is ready to conceive, the thawed eggs are fertilized using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), offering a safe and effective option to preserve fertility.


Embryo Freezing

For couples who have completed successful IVF cycles or for women who prefer to preserve embryos for future pregnancies, we offer embryo freezing. After successful fertilization of the eggs, good quality embryos are frozen and stored. This method allows couples to plan the right time for embryo transfer, maximizing the chances of success with each pregnancy attempt.

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